photographed by estée janssens and edited by me

Hello stranger. I hope that you're doing well. It's not my first time writing an intro blog post or a "refresh" post.  I've had two blogs and one million fresh starts... I wanted to stop. I deleted all my social media accounts. "it's toxic" that's what I told myself, but was it?
I've always loved graphic design, creating blog templates & doing useful tutorials.. but sadly, I was too busy comparing my chapter one to someone else's chapter 20. I was so busy comparing that I stopped creating. "I'm not talented enough for that." that was one of the many tabs that was open in my mind.
An inspiring YouTube video, a beautiful and encouraging message and some pixie fairy dust was all I needed..

Welcome to "Creative Square Town" where all the creative people are more than welcome. 

stay magical and creative. 
