Friday, July 5, 2019

some art.

Hello, stranger. I hope that you're in good health. A few days ago, I got inspired to create some art after watching Jordan Clark's painting video and I wanted to share one my works with you guys. 

photographed & edited by me.

What I used? 
1. acrylic paint (titanium white + crimson red) 
2. a mini canvas. 
3. a brush 

photographed & edited by me

How I created the background light pink? 

I used white as my base, then added red and mixed until I got the perfect shade. 

Take a bunch of colours and create your own art. trust me, there's so much art in your brain.. 

stay magical & creative.

Join the conversation!

  1. Hi, my dear! Your new blog looks great =D Best of luck with it & well done work <3

    1. Hello, Ann! Thank you so much for your kind words <3 Have a wonderful day!

